Your Nature. You're Nature.

Imagine if nature allowed shyness, insecurity, and anxiety to keep her from showing (and sharing) herself.

Imagine if nature wasn’t sure if her gifts were needed. Important enough. Worthy of offering to the world.

Imagine if nature waited until she had more of this or less of that, or a different, “better,” upgraded, such and such.

Imagine what a loss that would be.

Next time you go small, next time imposter syndrome tries to take the wheel, next time doubt wants to win, next time old traumas attempt to keep you safe by keeping you hidden, or you find yourself questioning whether you have something to offer the world, please think of nature.

Think of the trees and leaves and flowers and dirt and bodies of water.

Our earth doesn’t wait to lose pounds, or get certified, or for someone to tell her she has permission to share her gifts.

She simply and fully shows up and does what she’s here to do.

YOU are nature. Your work matters. YOU matter.

Let yourself shine, this is how we light the way.

I'm cheering for you, and me, and all of us continuing to show up, continuing to learn and do better.

With each post, each offering, each creation, each new client we work with, we are planting seeds and creating the field we all live in. Let's plant something beautiful, you with me?



Amazing people, amazing places.


International Women’s Day 2017